Edmonton’s #1 Plumbing Service Provider
In business for over 15 years, Loewen Plumbing & Gas Fitting Ltd. is a leader in the plumbing industry. Loewen Plumbing & Gas Fitting Ltd. has built its reputation as a premier company by providing our customers with outstanding functional plumbing design and expert execution of complex installations and processes.
Over the years the complexity and size of our projects have continually presented us as a one-stop-shop for plumbing and gas fitting. Our wonderful team consists of educated, trained, and experienced technicians . To give you the assurance and peace of mind, we are licensed to work in Edmonton, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Leduc, and their near-by communities. We offer round-the-clock 24-hour emergency service, required permits, bonding and insurance, not to mention that all our employees are WCB secured!
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6024 87 Street Edmonton, AB T6E 2Y4
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